How to choose suitable steam boiler according to tempe rature? First of all, it is necessary to know that the steam temperature produced by the steam boiler is related to its pressure, and is directly proportional.
According to boiler pressure, it can be divided into:
1. Low pressure boiler. Outlet steam pressure ≤ 2.45MPa, steam temperature ≤400℃.
2. Medium pressure boiler. The outlet steam pressure is 2.94-4.90MPa, generally speaking, the outlet steam pressure of medium pressure boiler is stipulated as 3.83MPa, and the steam temperature is 450℃.
3. High pressure boiler. Outlet steam pressure is 7.84-10.8MPa; Generally speaking, the outlet steam pressure of high pressure boiler is 9.81MPa, and the outlet steam temperature is 540 ℃.